I have the feeling 2010 is going to be a big year. I don't have any concrete reason, nor do I have ESP...but I just get the impression that this coming year is going to be bring important moments, tough decisions, exciting times, and brand new experiences. Now I know every year brings new things, but 2010 sets up to be a doozy. And I can't wait.
1) I spent a lot of time this past week up in North County San Diego, and it became glaringly obvious to me that the coast is where I need to be. I grew up minutes from the beach, surfing, running and throwing a frisbee all the time, yet since I have migrated south and east in San Diego, that has all changed. Virtually no surfing, and way less time at the beach (although with most of my friends now living in the Cardiff/Encinitas area, that looks likely to draw me up there more often). This needs to change.
Currently I am in the third month of a year-long lease, and man am I regretting it now. It's not to say I don't like my apartment, because I do love it. I just don't like it's location. I need to be near the beach up in north county, but I have to sit on my hands for a bit before I can seriously consider making another move. Yes, I know, I move every year. But this one might stick (assuming I still feel this way eight months from now).
2) I played golf today. Man I love that sport. My new goal is to play 20 times in 2010. And I think it is do-able. If I ever learned to stop duck-hooking my driver, slicing my irons, chunking my chips, and toe-ing my putter, I'd be one HELL of a golfer...
3) Holiday and Poinsettia Bowls went well. Obviously the score of the Holiday Bowl (33-0 Nebraska) sucked from a TV ratings perspective, but we had great ticket sales and sponsorship revenue, so I think we're gonna have a good year. I'm off for a couple days and then get back to the daily grind starting this Thursday. I'm already rested and ready to get planning for the spring Holiday Bowl events.
2010 Goals (yes, this is what I say instead of "New Year's Resolutions"):
-play 20 rounds of golf
-make surfing a normal, unforced weekend activity
-run double-digit mileage (never run more than 7 miles before)
These may seem relatively trivial or minute, but these are the things I want to have happen in 2010. I've got some other goals and plans of action for this year as well...but these are the ones I'll broadcast to y'all.
TwoDC Turns Five
11 years ago
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