Being sick blows. My boss was sick early last week, and no question I got it from him. I woke up Friday morning so sick that I actually stayed home. I spent all Friday laying in bed, and most of Saturday. Once I developed a full-blown case of cabin fever and potential bedsores, I made a trek out to put the finishing touches on my costume. I told my college buddies I'd go out, and I wasn't about to bail this late in the game. I started the evening with some new friends downtown at a friend's apartment, had a great time and saw some great costumes, including an impressive Lady Ga-Ga, He-Man and a Vampire (none of that weak "look at my 6-year old fake fangs" crap...we're talking the real deal). Once I left there to meet da boyz downtown, I became acutely aware of how fast lethargy sets in. Apparently laying in bed all day with hopes of gaining some energy isn't enough. Because I'm pretty sure I spent the remainder of Halloween night walking away from my friends every 15 minutes to go blow my nose or cough up a lung in the Maloney's bathroom. Holla at a playa...
*Random funny story of the night: I'm walking downtown (dressed up as a mailman) with my head down as I'm texting. Some random dude who has no idea who I am yells "Hey mailman, you lost my letter!" (which was probably the 376th time I heard that...everyone thinks they're a comedian, but I appreciate the effort). I look up to see who the jokester is, and it's my best friend, Keith. He looks at me and says "What the hell?" He didn't even know it was me! He just thought it was funny to yell at the innocent postal worker on the streets...and it ended up being someone he knew! So bizarre. We played golf the next day and laughed about it for at least nine holes.
Last week was crazy busy (hence the sickness). Too busy to recap, but here are some highlights from before the weekend:
MONDAY - I realized you CAN eat too much at Wings 'n Things. Tom and Joel can attest.
TUESDAY - I bowled a turkey in the final frame of the final game in the playoffs of the social bowling league I joined with some friends to WIN the league! Yea, I'm a baller.
WEDNESDAY - I carved a pumpkin that was supposed to be scary, but due to an unfortunate carving accident that is somewhat traumatic, it ended up looking like a sassy female looking for some hot squash, if ya know what I mean...
THURSDAY - I ate more cookies than I can ever remember eating (thanks a lot, Julie)
Well, it's officially "that time of year" at work. As soon as that calendar turns to November, it's all out for us through New Year's. We are only 4 weeks away from the end of the college football season, so we are narrowing down the list of teams who may be coming to San Diego for the Poinsettia and Holiday Bowls. It's always exciting talk, but there is still a lot of football to be played. You know we're in our seasonal buzz when boss-man walks down the hallways at 7:30am yelling "Let's go people! It's bowl season baby!"
Lots goin' on in the family life. Mom just retired on Friday, and my sister just got a new job at Google! Crazy times for my peeps!
Do you realize we are less than two months away from 2010?
TwoDC Turns Five
11 years ago
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