I owe you all a blog post. I planned to come home tonight from work and have yet another BRILLIANT masterpiece for you to read (I know, I know...I'm amazing). So I got myself a bowl of Chex Mix (Traditional, although I found myself craving the Bold flavor tonight), a glass of apple juice (Ralph's brand...I roll with the best) and sat down with my laptop on my couch.
(*SIDE NOTE - I really get uncomfortable with the heat that laptops put off when they are on my lap. It is seriously one of those bizarre sensory experiences that actually makes me feel so awkward that I immediately want to shower, just to rid myself of the ickiness.)
But as I sat down, I was faced with a frightening fact...I GOT NOTHIN'. Sure, I had random fragments of thoughts I tried to turn into a worthwhile blog post, such as how I'm always energetic, or how I love meeting new people, or how it would take very little convincing for you to believe I am half-monkey.
I could have written about how I have way more respect for people who admit they know nothing about a subject, as opposed to those who speak in generalities and yet, in reality know nothing about the topic at hand. I'd much rather you say "Ya know what, I really don't know much about Obama's economic reform, so I really wouldn't add much to the conversation" than try and say something like "Obama is so liberal, I don't agree with anything he says" in hopes of that being enough to get you through the rest of the conversation without being called upon to offer any insight.
Or I could have rambled on about how I finally feel comfortable in my own shoes (metaphorically speaking...I'm still breaking in my loafers). Things are solid at work, and I feel confident and relevant in that role. I feel like I can tackle anything. I'm settled in my new place. I feel like I'm on my own two feet, and not kneeling on anyone as a crutch. My friends kick ass. I've met some great new people along the way in recent months who have contributed to the overall quality of my life...including one in particular that has played a significant role in keeping my enthusiasm, passion and zest for life at their maximum capacity.
I could rave about how USC is completely mediocre at football...but that's just too easy.
All these things crossed my mind, but alas, the writing block prevailed.
Or did it?
TwoDC Turns Five
11 years ago
You could try explaining why affluent suburban young adults feel it necessary to adopt so much of the gang culture. First, they wouldn't last five minutes in Compton or Detroit. And, secondly, they look stupid flashing gang signs. (What is the gang sign for Rancho Santa Fe anyway?) Just an idea for the next time you got nothin'.