This post is dedicated to all you list-makers out there.
I love lists. I survive day-to-day because of lists. I am one of those people that gains the greatest satisfaction in simply placing a check-mark next to an item I have completed. Sometimes when I make my lists, I even write down items I've already done, just for the sheer sake of getting to cross it out immediately. But I digress...
The following is an assortment of lists chronicling my "Top 5's & 10's". There is absolutely no connection between the lists; these are just things I find myself ranking often and thought I would share with my oh-so-faithful readers.
Top 10 Songs (this is what we linguists call "VARIETY")
1) "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" - Otis Redding
2) "Fire & Rain" - James Taylor
3) "My Hero" - Foo Fighters
4) "Pachuca Sunrise" - Minus the Bear
5) "I Found My Smile Again" - D'Angelo
6) "Pardon Me" - Incubus
7) "Iris" - Goo Goo Dolls
8) "Barely Breathing" - Duncan Sheik
9) "When Can I See You" - Babyface
10) "Bad Girl" - Usher
Top 5 Michael Jackson Songs (this obviously needed it's own category)
1) "Man in the Mirror"
2) "PYT" (sorry Cronje)
3) "Beat It"
4) "Bad" (however, this is his best music video)
5) "The Way You Make Me Feel"
Top 5 Favorite Views in San Diego
1) Kate O. Sessions Memorial Park
2) Torrey Pines Bluffs
3) Mt. Soledad
4) Top of the Hyatt (downtown)
5) La Jolla Cove (closer to Prospect St.)
Top 5 Favorite Outdoor Activities
1) Surfing
2) Frisbee
3) Photography
4) Catch (yep, good ol' baseball toss)
5) Horseshoes
Top 5 Apparel Obsessions
1) Watches (funny I only own 2...but if I was rich, let's just say I'd always know the time)
2) Hats (yea, no surprise to any of you)
3) Sunglasses (gotta stop at every mall kiosk I see)
4) Shoes (there's somethin' so baller about a sweet pair of shoes)
5) Ties (WAY too many)
Top 5 Actresses
1) Charlize Theron
2) Jennifer Connelly
3) Tina Fey
4) Eva Mendes
5) Sandra Bullock
Top 5 Actors
1) Johnny Depp
2) Jim Carrey
3) Morgan Freeman
4) Denzel Washington
5) Gene Hackman
Top 5 All-Time Favorite Athletes
1) Tony Gwynn
2) Michael Jordan
3) Ken Griffey, Jr. (The Kid)
4) Jesse Owens (wish I could have seen him run)
5) Deion Sanders (he killed my team, but I love me some "Prime Time")
Top 5 Sports Movies from Childhood (yep, this got its own category)
1) The Sandlot (You're killin' me Smalls!)
2) Little Big League (every kdi's dream)
3) The Mighty Ducks
4) Rookie of the Year (best name ever - Henry Rowengartner)
5) Little Giants (who can forget good ol' IceBox?)
That's it for now...but, I have a feeling there will be a sequel to this blog post. Like I said, I love lists.
TwoDC Turns Five
11 years ago
marc! i am so glad i discovered this. also, we share the same top 5 sports movies from childhood. although i hope the mighty ducks includes the entire series...