So, while I was growing up, Thanksgiving was always a very traditional, family-oriented holiday. Other than the much-appreciated breaks from school and the obvious culinary gorging that occurred every November, I never experienced that giddy, childish rush that I did for other holidays like Christmas or Halloween. Thanksgiving, simply put, was nothing special for me.
I am absolutely stoked to say that times have changed. This year marks the third year in a row where I will spend Thanksgiving in San Francisco with my two siblings. If you were to look at our holiday dinner table in SF, you would notice that we have one of the most random group of family and friends that has ever assembled. But whereas Thanksgiving used to feel like somewhat of a forced holiday (not to mention a lame and somewhat confusing reason for me to wear khakis and a dress shirt to the same dinner table where I ate shirtless that morning), I actively look forward for that fourth Thursday in November to roll around.
My siblings and I have managed to become much closer as we have got older. This is especially true of me, because, as the baby, it took me some time to get on the same mature adult level that they had graced for a while without me (yes, I do call myself an adult, so keep your jokes to yourself!). In addition to my two siblings, the SF holiday consists of my brother's best friends (who also serve as my older brothers), half-siblings, quarter-siblings (that would be the half-sister of my half-brother...yep, let that one sink in), cousins of no ACTUAL blood relation, and people I've never met. All of these people come to my brother's place with three simple goals: Eat. Drink. Laugh. And let me tell you, we do all three REALLY well.
Part of the reason I love this holiday so much more now is because it now takes place in my favorite city outside of San Diego. I love San Francisco. I love seeing the lifetstyles my bro and sis lead, and it's fun just to be on their schedule for a weekend or so. They also take care of me really well. I can't remember the last time I even paid for a round of drinks for these guys...they just take out "the baby boy", and they treat me well.
I also cherish this holiday because for some reason, on this specific day, I am always "on." It's one of the days I know well before I even get there that I will be "holding court" and enjoying a bit of comedic spotlight. I am not the funniest person I know (as much as I wish that wasn't true), but man, for whatever reason, I KILL Thanksgiving. It's a great audience LOOKING to laugh, and when my material starts flowing like it does those nights, look out. My sister is always my favorite person to make laugh, because she's one of those people who, once she starts, she can't stop. And for those of you that know me well, you know the WORST thing anyone can do is encourage me through laughter. Baby Boy isn't gonna shut up now!
When Turkey Day comes around now, I no longer think "Ok, now we gotta dress up and have a quasi-bizarre formal dinner at our dinner table and pretend it's a special evening." I now get legitimately excited, because it has become an experience, an adventure, and most of all, a time that, without fail, makes me appreciate the wonderful people I have in my life. I've got some amazing people looking out for me, and even for someone who considers himself independent, there is no better feeling than having great people watching your back.
So this year, I will be flying to SF on Thanksgiving morning, my bro will pick me up at 8:00am at the airport, and the rest of the time up there will be non-stop laughter, smiles, jokes and good company. I can't wait...
...and that is so awesome.
TwoDC Turns Five
11 years ago