So this is the second installment of "How Awesome Was..." in this blog (if you missed it,
click here to view the pilot post on this epic subject). This is the topic where I chronicle all the things I loved about childhood. Today's subject:
Sunny Delight - Who wants that purple stuff? Not me. Give me the Sunny D baby! Absolutely ZERO nutritional value (if I remember, the thing said 5% juice), but man, I used to live off that stuff.
Baseball Card Bubble Gum - Don't get that shi* on my Ken Griffey rookie card! The gum was never very good, and sometimes you weren't sure if you were eating the gum or the card. But we all had those times where we got the cards for the gum, not the Bobby Bonilla card.
Kid Cuisine TV Dinners - Do you remember these things, the tv dinner with the penguin on the box? My mom is a great cook, so it was rare we had them as kids, but man I loved it when we did. How good was that little individual brownie in its little section of the divided plate? The corn and veggies always sucked, and the entree was a game of "Guess That Meat". Mmmm.
Lunchables - The ultimate lunch trading item. I've got my apple, granola bar and carrots, and Jimmy has the awesome Lunchables withthe fake ham and addicting cheese. So gross now, but man, those were delicious.
Kraft HandiSnacks - You may not remember the cheese and crackers, but who could forget the red spread stick! Yet another snack that falls under the "Questionable Cheese" category, but nonetheless, tasty. I used to make sure I got every OUNCE of cheese out of that plastic container.
Big League Chew - The gum whose taste played second fiddle to how many strands of it you could stuff in your mouth at once. That thing never lasted a full game (or full inning if your teammates saw it). I'm glad we all imitated having a wad of tobacco in our mouths as 9-year-olds.
Fruit Stripes - Yipes! Stripes! This stuff made your tongue turn every color in the rainbow. Never was a big gum chewer, but who could turn down that awesome zebra on the front?
Flintstone Vitamins - Did anyone
not take these as a kid? I can remember Paige (sister) and I fighting daily over who got what vitamin (I always wanted Dino or Barney). I don't even think we knew why we ate them every morning, and my mom couldn't have been happier!
Squeez-It - Bottled sugar. Mom wouldn't let us have these as kids, and for good reason. I just thought the caps were fun to take off. But did you actually ever
taste those things?! Even as a 7-year old sweet-toothed crazy boy, I thought that stuff was too sweet! I shudder just thinking about what that did to our teeth.
RingPops - Yet another childhood delicacy we coveted, yet rarely had access to. Luckily these fell in the "girly" category for me, so I was never too upset about not being able to suck on my finger.
Honorable MentionGoobers Pre-Mix PB&J (never tried it, never plan to)
DunkAroos (remember the chocolate kangaroo dunkers?)
Peanut Butter & Jelly (I prefer the crust, but you can have it cut off if you please)
Animal Crackers (lifelong staple)
Capri-Sun and Orange Slices (shout-out to all the Little Leaguers out there)
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