Well, after a full day's worth of in depth thought and analysis, I have come up with the current day answers to the questions posed to me back in 1999 from my 8th grade yearbook. There were some tough decisions along the way, but in the spirit of keeping the loyal masses fully informed, I narrowed it down to my very favorites.
(Click here to view my posts from 8th Grade)MARC SAWYER'S YEARBOOK LIST (2010)Favorite Movie - Dumb & Dumber; Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Band/Song - Boyz II Men/"Sittin on the Dock of the Bay"
Favorite TV Show - The Office
Favorite Actor/Actress - Jim Carrey/Charlize Theron
Favorite Sport - Baseball (watch); Surfing (play)
Favorite Books - The Partner (Grisham)
Role Model - Lebron Ja... just kidding! My brother, Todd.
*You will notice I did not answer "Favorite Class." I thought long and hard about a funny, smart-ass way to answer that question, but sticking to the strict criteria of comparison, I refrained. But let it be known here that in college, I didn't think too much about class. For those of you that remember, I kinda had a bit of a sports obsession at the time.
Dumb & Dumber - Oh Lloyd & Harry. No movie makes me laugh harder. I quote every line from the movie. Every scene is classic. It's hard for me to put into words how I feel about this movie without doing it an injustice. But for a
non-comedy movie, Shawshank Redemption is an easy first place. Morgan Freeman's voice deserves a category in itself. But it's a phenomenal movie, and one that I won't turn off if I find it on TV (and I own it).
Boyz II Men - Where have you seen this before? Oh, that's right. It was also my answer in 8th Grade! Timeless. Go ahead, poke your fun. In no way am I ashamed to laud the talents of Nate, Mike, Shawn and Wanya. But yes, my all-time favorite
song is by Otis Redding, "Sittin on the Dock of the Bay".
The Office - I don't watch a lot of TV these days, but The Office is a staple. I think Pam is "sneaky hot", Stanley needs more lines, Creed is the perfect nutjob, and Michael is the single most-awkward-trainwreck-you-can't-take-your-eyes-off I've ever seen.
Charlize Theron - No one even close. Stunningly gorgeous. Regal, yet totally real. Killer eyes, killer smile, killer hair, killer body. And no, I can't watch Monster because it makes me cry that the directors would do that. But, as a note of comparison, Sandra Bullock is still in the top five. And I'm not gonna even talk about Jim Carrey, cuz it would just be an insult to Charlize (and I spoke about him last post).
Baseball/Surfing - I gave two answers here because watching and playing sports are very different. I could go to baseball games every day and never be bored. Just think: fresh cut grass, smell of hot dogs in the air, crack of the bat, pop of the mitt, ice-cold beer at a day game...a sporting sensory explosion.
The Partner - If you haven't read this book, you need to. I used to have a huge obsession with John Grisham books. I know they are easy reads and you blow through them, but this book was
so good. Without giving away the book, it's about a big-time firm who loses $90 million amidst a huge scam...and has a partner mysteriously disappear. Let's just say life ain't a coincidence. SO GOOD!
Lebron Ja...KIDDING! - Too soon? Sorry, couldn't resist. This was a tough call between my brother Todd and my close friend Branden (who both read this blog, so I'm sure I'll get shi* for this after the fact). But my brother has always led his life the right way, surrounds himself with wonderful people, puts himself in great positions for great opportunities, and, in my opinion, is directly responsible for all the good that has come to his life. That and he's paid for every meal we've ever had together...so that helps.
*Thanks for taking the ride down memory lane with me. As you can see, some things have changed a lot in eleven years, and others have stayed exactly the same (Jim Carrey + Boyz II Men = MARC FOR LIFE!).
I'm honored - if not a bit weirded out - that I almost made the list. I guess that's what happens when I'm finishing my 3rd year at UCLA and you're having Sandra Bullock inspired adult thoughts in 8th grade literature class...
ReplyDeleteAnd when did English class turn into literature class?