Do you ever have days where you get caught up thinking about how awesome it was to be a kid. How amazing the toys were, how great the shows were, how much you got sucked into every kid movie and show?
Well, apparently I am waxing nostalgic today, cuz it's all that's on my mind. So without further ado, I bring you the first edition of:
Lite Brite - Did anyone
not have this toy? Man, my sister was obsessed with this thing, and I'm pretty sure I was too dumb to understand it, but pretended I loved it anyway.
Tom & Jerry - Best cartoon ever. Don't bother arguing, because you will lose. Every now and then I'll find these two funny furry friends on TV on a random Sunday morning at 6 a.m. Always makes for best day ever.
Kids Incorporated - How great was this
theme song? I still think this show outdid Mickey Mouse Club by a landslide. I wanted to be on this show so bad.
Gummi Bears - Another part of our past that, when reminded of it, everyone has the same reaction, "Oh my god, I loved that show!" And who didn't want the Gummi Juice? Although I'm pretty sure the Gummi Bears single-handedly started the steroid era. At least Barry Bonds can blame someone now.
Fraggle Rock - A little bit more underground show than Gummi Bears or Tom & Jerry, but certainly equally as entertaining. I think these creatures got Mom through a couple rough, whiny-Marc afternoons.
Oliver & Company - Favorite line: When Tito the Chihuahua is in the ritzy home of the spoiled female dog (Georgette), "If this is torture, chain me to the wall!" And who didn't love "the artful Dodger"? And isn't it amazing that they made a cartoon about animals based off Oliver Twist?! Epic.
Teddy Ruxpin - This was an awesome stuffed animal/toy/babysitter. If you had what I had, then you had a stuffed Teddy Ruxpin with a battery pack and a place for song tapes in the seat of his pants. Beyond the odd placement of the tape player, this toy gets a perfect 10 on my scale.
The Berenstain Bears - I had NO idea this is how you spelled it...but these books were what got me reading. And man, they lived a great life, but had parents with such strong morals. I wonder if I have these somewhere...I need some new reading material.
Stay tuned for the Second Edition!
Awesome post - this is totally a snapshot of our childhood =)
ReplyDeleteAnd, weird, but I swear I was talking to someone about Lite Brite just this morning!
Oh and thanks for getting the Kids Incorporated song stuck in my head now for the day...
All of the things you listed were a HUGE part of my childhood. I still have my Berenstain Bears books and Tessa and I even had a few videos! And who knew that other people had a Teddy Ruxpin!?!?! A-MAZING! And like Paige said, thanks a lot for the song, except that I'm singing the Gummy Bears theme!
ReplyDeleteJoel and I started a rumor that Joel's uncle Phil did the voice of Teddy Ruxpin. It spread like WILDFIRE!
ReplyDeleteBasically if you say anything with enough conviction, people will believe you.