The Rock n Roll Marathon Relay is complete! And we kicked ass!
For those of you that don't know, my sister had the brilliant idea of entering the relay version of the Rock n Roll Marathon. What? A Relay Marathon? Yep, I said the same thing.
After a bit of convincing, we decided to form a team comprised of myself, my sister and captain Paige, our resident staff morale booster Heidi, and the ultimate ringer in Julie. After my sister made the incredibly dumb mistake of allowing me to choose the team name, I was able to convince the squad to name our clan "UCantCagePaige", a tribute to the fear-inducing, awe-inspiring Paige Sawyer.
Leg #1 (MARC) - 7.4 miles
Leg #2 (JULIE) - 7.1 miles
Leg #3 (HEIDI) - 6.0 miles
Leg #4 (PAIGE) - 5.7 miles
Well, due to an unforeseen groin injury, let's just say I didn't train as much as I'd like (read: 8 TOTAL MILES IN FINAL 5 WEEKS). Combine that with me never having run more than 5 miles in my life, Heidi having a phantom broken-toe scare (apparently she kicks bricks in her sleep), and Julie battling a new injury every week...I was just aiming (read: PRAYING) to finish.
Well folks, we more than just finished. Of the 197 relay teams in the marathon, "UCantCagePaige" finished 10th OVERALL! Yep, 10th out of 197. And in the co-ed division, we finished 5th! On an individual basis, Julie ran the 4th fastest 2nd leg of the day, Heidi obliterated the pace she was hoping to run, and Paige kicked into a crazy 6th gear in the home stretch to run a crazy good time as well! As for me, I'm just glad I finished. HUGE relief.
And today (2 days removed)...I'm hurting. But man it was so worth it.
TwoDC Turns Five
11 years ago
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