Well, as promised, I have taken the time to upload a few photos from this past Memorial Day weekend in Huntington Beach. These are the telescopes that Julie and I found up and down the Southern California coast, starting at the San Clemente Pier and working our way north through Huntington Beach Pier. This is an extremely small sample size of the photos (over 100), but I pulled the ones that were representative of the trip and what I was aiming for.
*(Photo captions complete with location, as well as noteworthy Marc & Julie commentary)*
San Clemente Pier - Miss Julie at our first stop of the trip. I don't love the shots I got of the telescopes on this pier, so being the private, perfectionist photographer, I opted not to upload any shots of them. And besides, this one is pretty damn good.
Dana Harbor Ocean Institute (dock of "The Pilgrim") - Major props to Julie on this one, as she not only spotted it in our "Who can find it first?" game, but when we found it was barricaded by a gate, she sweet-talked one of the workers into letting us sneak in for a photo opp.
Laguna Beach - By far my favorite telescope of the trip. The elevation alone made for a great perspective, but the space-age, sleek appearance of the telescope combined with all the palm trees, beach and people made for some great photos!
Laguna Beach - Another view from this awesome telescope. Oh, and there was a man in a Speedo that a certain girlfriend of mine couldn't get enough of.
Lookout Point, Corona del Mar - Jackpot. I had been waiting to find a red telescope like this, and got UBER excited when we found it. We almost didn't find it due to my not so awesome directions, but thanks to Julie knowing the area, we navigated our way to find this beauty.
Huntington Beach Pier - Could you tell I was in heaven on this pier? They had 3 telescopes on each side of the pier! I could barely contain myself. Needless to say, Julie had to be VERY patient with me on this pier.
Huntington Beach Pier - One of my favorites from the trip.
Newport Pier - After getting annihilated in our attempt to find parking on Saturday, we ventured back to Newport on Monday to brave the mob scene again. After lucking out with the most ridiculous parking spot ever, we found another red beauty. I liked these photos a ton because the beaches were so packed with people for some great background contrast.
Newport Pier - A vantage point from further back across the pier.
Newport Pier - I apologize for the repetition of this scope, but I love how it looks like a person on the back side of the viewfinder. Again, this is shot with my 75mm-300mm lens across the pier.
Newport Pier - Last one, I promise. I just like the detailed ridges and design on the silver scope, and the long rolling landscape of the beach.
So there you have it. Like I said, this is just a quick handful of photos to sate your unwavering Marc Sawyer appetites. If you like what you see, stay tuned for the release of my book, to be released sometime between 2011 and 2037.
I really like the pictures! You set them up perfectly!