So one of the most common things you have seen me ask over the years on this blog has been "Does anyone even read this thing?" Well, unbeknownst to me, this blog software allows me to go in and see how many times my blog has been viewed, and can even see which blog posts have the most viewers. Now, having started this blog back in May 2008, I figure five years of data is enough for me to find out if this blog attracts anything other than my wife, my mom, and random people Google-searching keywords that include "living + the + dream."
And after looking at all the analytics and data, what did I discover...?
Over the five years, I have had a total of 73,632 pageviews. No, that's not a typo, and yes, I have been checked for vision problems and mental illness.
Seriously, how did this happen? There are only two possible explanations...
Option #1 - I AM AWESOME!
Apparently my blog has been read enough that over the years, it has become a popular search result in search engine results for some frequent keyword searches. Below I have copy/pasted the reader statistics as it pertains to the most popular posts over the past five years. Looks like a lot of people are searching board games, Halloween, and candy!
Not sure what all this means, but I guess it's enough to keep me writing! Leave a comment with your thoughts on what all this means. And now that I have these stats...I know you're out there, so leave a comment!
TwoDC Turns Five
11 years ago
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