Monday, August 27, 2012

Livin the Dream is Back!

Well, after 6 flights, 3 ferries, 4 Greek destinations, and 18,000 pounds of cheese, Mr. and Mrs. Livin the Dream are back from their two-week honeymoon to Greece! Thought I'd let you all know that I took notes every day of the trip, and plan to do a day-by-day breakdown of the trip. If you're not interested in hearing about amazing food, beautifully clear water, Julie driving an ATV, three Greek islands, and much more, I suggest not tuning in for a couple weeks.

My plan is to do a post for each of the days of the honeymoon. Some days I might post three days worth (individual posts), and some days I might not post at all. But there will be a full recap!

1 comment:

  1. And to hear MY version of events, check out my newly revived blog which will begin sometime this week.
