Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Let's Explore That Further....

Here's what I'm thinking about. Sorry, this is just how my brain works.

What does that mean? People say that and usually are inferring that someone is so attractive, that if personal appearance were a way to end someone's life, that some smokin' hot babe could cut me down? Now, of course she could be so hot that my heart stops and I suffer a massive coronary, or I could see her across the street and want a better glance and step in front of a rapidly approaching semi filled with Krispy Kreme doughnuts...but I tend to think these ideas are just slightly far-fetched.

And even beyond the obvious absurdity of this idiom, I have a fundamental problem with the argument that attractive people would be doing the killing. I actually believe the exact opposite. Let's explore this further. Are you really trying to tell me that an ATTRACTIVE person is more likely to kill me with their looks than an UGLY person? There are some unfortunate looking people out there that have fallen out of the ugly tree, beaten with an ugly stick, and kicked with the ugly shoe, and you're telling me that "if looks could kill", Charlize Theron has a better chance of whacking me than this fool...?

Joakim Noah, President, Team Ugly

HUH?! Who here has ever seen a cute button?! I wonder what a cute button would even look like. Do you think it would be a button that has a kitten or bunny on it? Or do you think it's just some button on a pair of regular pants that, for some unexplainable reason, gives everyone the warm-and-fuzzies inside because of its awesome color, shape and symmetry? "Aw, that little girl is cute as a button!"...Why do people think human babies resemble buttons?

-What is a "heeby-jeeby"? (i.e. "Man, that Joakim Noah guy really gives me the heeby-jeeby's.")

-Who would win a fight between the Crazy Burro and El Pollo Loco (crazy chicken)?

-What percentage of the world likes to be "it" (the seeker) in a game of hide-and-seek? I would like to see this in the next census poll. My guess - under 15%.

-How sweet was Connect Four? I loved that game.

*Stay tuned for the next blog post on board game nostalgia from my childhood!


  1. But the full expression is "If looks could kill, you'd be dead." It's like the serious stink eye that your math teacher gave you when he/she thought you were cheating on a test. Charlize Theron can't pull it off. Most math teachers can, though.

  2. Yea, Julie said the same thing, that it's more the individual "look" someone can give you. Where I agree that is the natural origin of the term, it has grown to have a really broad meaning.
