Wednesday, March 20, 2013

South Africa!

I'm baaaaaack!

Now, I have no idea if I am going to start posting regularly, but I figured just because my posts aren't weekly or daily, doesn't mean I have to end this blog thing altogether, right?!

I figured this was a great tool to log our journey to Greece, and will continue to use it for other trips in the future. Which reminds me...


Yep, that's right, Marc is going to be in camera-heaven! We are going to be gone for about 10 days in July, including 4 nights in Cape Town, and then flying to our private lodge in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve for a 3-night safari! We will be going out on early morning and sunset drives through the wilderness to see all the amazing animals inhabiting the area, such as lions, cheetahs, impalas, rhinos, elephants, buffalo and hyenas! And we are going during their winter time, which means there is less accessible vegetation for the animals, so they have to venture further out to get food...which means...CLICK CLICK SHUTTER! Photo heaven.

I will definitely have more to post in the coming months about this trip. But since we just booked the airfare, I thought it was appropriate to alert the masses that read this (and by masses, I mean my mom, my wife, those of you on Google+ that get a standard "new post" notification, and some guy who was really really hoping I had given up this domain name).

In the spirit of March Madness, I leave you with this kid making his bracket picks:

Good luck to all of you in your bracket pools (unless you're in one of mine, which in that case, I hope you picked James Madison to win it all!).